MTRC 1/14 RC Hydraulic Loader E260L RTR Model Metal Radio Control Heavy Machine Car Construction Vehicles ST8 Transmitter

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MTRC 1/14 RC Hydraulic Loader E260L RTR Model Metal Radio Control Heavy Machine Car Construction Vehicles ST8 Transmitter

Item Condition: New, Assembled and Painted
Scale: 1/14
Material: Metal, Plastic
Loader Net Weight: 16KG
ID: MTM-RD-E260L-Loader-ST8-RTR-Y

We have different package option, the option selected by yourself.
Package Included:
Comes WITHOUT Battery & Charger
Comes with Battery & Charger

#The Package Includes:
1/14 Metal Hydraulic Loader Model comes with Quick Coupler and Metal Bucket
1PC Fork
Flysky ST8 RC Controller & Receiver
Light System
Sound System

#The Package Does Not Include:
Hydraulic Oil

#Main Features:
1. 5-way hydraulic reversing valves; 
2. Hydraulic working pressure is 3.5mpa; 
3. The LCD screen of the cabin can show voltage and oil pressure; 
4. 11 channels remote controller; 
5. Simulated sound system and lighting system to make the loader model work like a real loader;
6. With the hydraulic quick-release coupler, you can replace the bucket with the fork very quickly.
7. About the walking system: brushless motor, differential lock axles, and wheel reducer
8, Before power on the machine, keep the pump knob at counter clockwise end, the pump MIX SW at down position, then pump will work with the actions 
up position, the pump won’t work with the actions, turn the knob to the right, the pump will run without actions ,it can rise the flow and pressure. Attention:  right too much will overheat the pump and ESC, keep the pump run on the low speed.

#If you have any questions or are not sure whether it is the correct item that you want, pls feel free to ask me before purchasing.

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