Toucanrc 3Axles Remote Controller Chassis Flatbed Semi Trailer for DIY TAMIYA Model 1/14 Tractor Truck Unaseembled Model

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Toucanrc 3Axles Remote Controller Chassis Flatbed Semi Trailer for DIY TAMIYA Model 1/14 Tractor Truck Unaseembled Model

Item Condition: New and Unassembled Condition.
Size: 1024*195*202mm
Material: Wood, Metal, Plastic, Rubber
ID: HH-140403

The Package Includes:
3 Axles Flatbed Semi Trailer

The package doesn't include:
White Body
7.2-7.4V LiPo or NIMH or NICA Battery
One digital servo for steering
One digital servo for shifting
Any brand RC controller and receiver, we recommend FS brand.
Model tools, such as knife, driver, driller, power glue, grease lubrication(not liquid lube)
Sometimes we can not ship our grease lube and power glue, so you must get it ready by yourself.

1, What are the features of the tractor truck?
1), This model is 1/14 full scale Hobby-Grade(Not Toy-Grade) RC tractor truck, all parts are like real one.
2), Working principle is like real truck, such as some kernel parts, multi-Speed transmission gearbox and differential axle.
3), Assembling it a very good lesson and experience to a truck hobbyist interested in inner structure of a real automobile.
4), Comes with several hundreds of unassembled, requires at least several hundreds of installation procedure steps.
5), Parts could be upgraded, like a real car. LED, Sound, Smoke, and so on. :)
6), Matches 1/14 trailer

2, Does it get glitches in running?
Maybe. The general quality is good, but it is normal that you need to maintain it. And you can upgrade in the future.

3, How long can i complete assembling job?
Almost 2-10 days, depends on your manipulative ability.

About Upgradability:
1, Sound System
There is a sound system with 3 kinds of engine sound and 4 kinds of speaker sound. And you can add the separate whistle sound and separate speaker sound system also.

2, LED lights System
There is a LED light system with 7 kinds of light High beam, Low beam, Toplight, Back-up light, Brake lamp, Turn signal, Fog light and a BB ring alarm sound.

3, Smoke
There is a Idle smoke function system,but you need to use 3-4S(11.1v-14.8V) Battery if you install it.

4, Important driving system parts
5, Many hardware parts
6, Matches many trailers

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