1/14 RC Toucanrc Painted Highline 6*4 KIT Motor Remote Control Tractor Truck for 1851 Model Toys TAMIYA

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1/14 RC Toucanrc Painted Highline 6*4 KIT Motor Remote Control Tractor Truck for 1851 Model Toys TAMIYA

Brand: Toucanrc
Scale: 1/14
Item Condition: New, Unassembled and Painted.
Version: Open Door Version

The Package Includes:
1/14 All Unassembled and Painted Truck Body Parts
One Brushed Motor
English manual book (Don't rely totally on manual book, coz some content may be very confusing, and 1% certain parts and steps are wrong)

The package doesn't include:
RC Controller and Receiver
Model tools, such as knife, driver, driller, power glue, grease lubrication(not liquid lube)
Sometimes we can not ship our grease lube and power glue, so you must get it ready by yourself.

About Upgradability:
1, Sound System
There is a sound system with 3 kinds of engine sound and 4 kinds of speaker sound. And you can add the separate whistle sound and separate speaker sound system also.
2, LED lights System
There is a LED light system with 7 kinds of light??High beam, Low beam, Toplight, Back-up light, Brake lamp, Turn signal, Fog light?????¡§??o?and a BB ring alarm sound.
3, Smoke
There is a Idle smoke function system,but you need to use 3-4S(11.1v-14.8V) Battery if you install it.
4, Important driving system parts
5, Many hardware parts
6, Matches many trailers

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